Service Recordings

Below are links to recordings of the talks and sermons from our services.

Click on the link to listen to the talk – this will open another web page – you can listen directly from the web page or download the file to listen offline.

October 2024

20th October – Kevin Doyle – Ruth 2

July 2024

7th July – Mark Houston – Psalm 121

June 2024

23rd June – Steve Bell – Psalm30

16th June – Jenny Leahy – Psalm 92 

2nd June – Amiel Osmaston – First talk on the Psalms – Ps. 81.1-10 & Mark 2.23-3.6.

May 2024 

26th May – Amiel Osmaston – Trinty Sunday – Romans 8.12-17 & John 3.1-17

5th May – Peter Anderson – Fruit of the Vine – 1 John 5.1-6 & John 15.9-17

April 2024

21st April – Kevin Dowle – God’s Love 1 John 3.16-24 & John 10.11-18

14th April – Janice Tindale – 1 John 3.1-7 & Luke 24.36b-48

7th April – Jenny Leahy – Jesus’ peace – 1 John 1.1 – 2.2 & John 20. 19-31

March 2024

31st March – Easter Sunday – Amiel Osmaston  – The facts, truth & reality of Jesus’ resurrection.

24th March – Palm Sunday – Mark Houston – Making time and space : Psalm 118:1,2,19 24 & Mk11:1-11 

February 2024

11th Feburary – Jenny Leahy – The persecuted church, Counting the cost – Acts 12:1-9

January 2024

7th January – Jane Maycock – Epiphany – Isaiah 60: 1-6 Matthew 2: 1-12