Events at St Mary's Church

Services and Events at St Mary's this month

Services –

All services are 10.00 at St Mary’s church Allithwaite unless stated otherwise.

Sunday 14th July – 4.00 pm – Pet Service led by Janice & John Tindale. Bring your pets to join in the service !

Sunday 21st July – Communion Service – A.Osmaston

Sunday 28th July – Joint Service of the Word@ St Mary’s with Flookburgh-St John’s. Jenny Leahy.

Prayer Meetings – in the Vestry at Church – Tuesday @ 7.30 pm

Come and join with others for a relaxed and refreshing time of worshipping God, listening for his guidance and praying for the people, life and outreach of the church as well as wider world issues.  We meet weekly for an hour
in St Mary’s church vestry and any member of St Mary’s is very welcome, even if you can only come occasionally.

Services across the peninsula – A summary of all the services being offered by local churches can be accessed via the link below.  The summary covers mid-week as well as Sunday services.

The churches are in  – Allithwaite, Flookburgh, Grange, Grange Fell, Finsthwaite, Haverthwaite, Staveley in Cartmel & Fieldbroughton with Lindale.

The schedule will be updated each month – click here for July 2024

Please drop an email to [email protected] with details of any events/services at St Mary’s to be published on the church calendar below – thank you.

All Events